Well, on this, you will hear an entirely different reason. Not bizarre, but one connected to 'the school of life'. When you attend this school, you learn way deeper things than secular things; you learn how to spot potential and move on from a turmoil; every mistake or suffering, must be put into change or innovation.
Yes. I live in countries, where even the internet is racist towards you. It tells you, 'Terry scram off, you are from a 3rd world country and funny how people play along. They tell you the same things. Dogs bark at you.
I mean, there are millionaire dogs. Rich cats, spend hours staring at nothing yet, they can't see you and finally; Mark Zuckerberg; stays on his arm chair, rolling in it; watching pawns in his dreams and picking randomly, who it is he wants to zuck out of their dreams. Funny!
I especially, live in a place where it is a crime to dream. Maintaining dreams come with daunting facets.
Okay, if you get to dream, nobody tells you; you'll get yourself to carry this heavy dream and a cliff is always available; then you hurl it off, till its pieces are shattered and unsoughtable; next, because of your affinity for prowess, you climb back down, excavate the pieces, rebuild it, carry it all the way back up, only to re-hurl it. Your laziness to quitting a positive route however, keeps lit up and you dream still.
No doubt, you are the only one in an entire country doing this. You have a brain like a genius and in your mind's eye you build your brand, your empire and have to overcome a nation to accomplish this, only for Mark Zuckerberg to throw a huge 'berg' at you whenever he decides to.
Before I hint you on my experience, let me tell you this. Social networks and stuff for me, is also a means to let my ideas, even if one, come to life. My only desire ever, has been to be in USA or some enabling country, where info exists; mentors and a team; but years fly and that doesn't come to pass. So how about, having an idea of mine at least, begin in small ways. For instance, if my eventual vision is for an app, but i have identified that I don't have the resources to accomplish it, i may stubbornly want to begin in small ways with a Facebook group. This is to keep my dreams alive; to have a means of fulfillment even now; to inspire myself, as I am in a nation where, not even elements of inspiration exists. But hey, don't raise your hopes up too much, at this point, because mostly when you start to feel happiness, from making the group; ounce of fulfillment, from having brainstormed a killer group description, and especially when you start to grow the group, Mark Zuckerberg, 30, throws a huge berg at you and cut your legs.
In some cases, for people like us, that's like killing a soul; a generation; because an entire generation looks up to terry.
Below I will put a list of, what used to be 25 Facebook groups with more than a million members. Have some clicking fun and click on all; and all are dead links.
25 Facebok Groups that had Over 1 Million Members. Where are they now?
1. Let’s break a Guinness Record! 2010! The Largest Group on Facebook! (5,894,904 members)
2. Six Degrees Of Separation – The Experiment (4,437,060 members)
3. Feed a Child with just a Click! (4,206,122 members)
4. We Will Not Pay To Use Facebook. We Are Gone If This Happens (4,163,024 members)
5. Facebook Developers (3,352,805 members)
6. Let’s set and break a Guiness Record!!!! Approved by guinnessworldrecords.c(2,730,202 members)
9. We Will Not Pay To Use Facebook. We Are Gone If This Happens ►► INVITE ALL!(2,198,890 members)
10. Can We Get All Facebook Users in one group ???? by Danilo Mastrantoni(2,028,955 members)
11. If you remember this you grew up in the 90’s … ->hahagreat.com (1,911,224 members)
12. ENCUENTRA A TU DOBLE EN FACEBOOK… ¡GRATIS! (1,909,917 members)
13. Petition Against the “New Facebook” (1,744,735 members)
14. We Hate The New Facebook, so STOP CHANGING IT!!! (1,591,344 members)
15. I Dont care How Comfortable Crocs Are, You Look Like A Dumbass. ->fan FHS(1,456,757 members)
17. L’ ALBERO GENEALOGICO (1,366,747 members)
18. Ultimate Social Experiment™ (1,359,792 members)
19. ÁRBOL GENEALÓGICO MUNDIAL (1,299,463 members)
20. The Largest Facebook Group Ever (1,287,632 members)
21. I Want To Punch Slow Walking People In The Back Of The Head (1,281,507 members)
22. I Love to party – Let’s find 10,000,000 people strong! (1,250,993 members)
23. 1,000,000 Strong For Stephen T Colbert (1,194,635 members)
25. I bet I can still find 1,000,000 people who dislike George Bush! (1,000,318 members)
1. Let’s break a Guinness Record! 2010! The Largest Group on Facebook! (5,894,904 members)

Next, I will pass you on to a forum on Facebook and try to feel the boy's pain on there. Too, see if there is empathy from anyone in the forum. The forums on Facebook for resolution is liveless.
Why is my group with 1.1 million members deleted?
For my first Facebook account that was deleted, I had written to Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook account, a message on excerpts of an idea that I feel will bring Facebook more revenue. The next day, my facebook account was deleted for undisclosable reason. I started all over.
My second one was deleted, when I started to create groups that will effect my dreams even now.
My account was deleted but this time, I couldn't take it. I was crushed and it came at a time when my entire being was also crushed. I pestered them non-stop with emails. They opened my Facebook in return, but they have deleted all my groups and even the one group for which I was an admin.
Overall, from your experience what do u really get from Facebook. It is totally not a place to build your brand. Really, friends and family don't know much about that. They will even remove themselves or report you for building your dreams. They are on there mostly to see picture updates and stuff and ofcourse, many people on there, like on twitter are just out to make money; like automated robots. These are not people to inspire you.
Facebook doesn't exactly serve my purpose on this. Too, is the necessity for backup really, because Mark Zuckerberg can attempt to shatter you anytime. I don't know his age now, but seriously, he can become 31 tomorrow and he will just say, "harry let's cut down 31,000,000 Facebook members with dreams, today, for I am 31; and at age 40, I want to be the only one with the right to dream".
He bought 'Whatsapp' for billions, mostly for the people in it or perhaps because he feels like it. Facebook is becoming freeer than Google. And on the side, they don't share ad revenue with you, even if it is a sensible thing to do. Google and Youtube before him, do this.
I had to look for alternatives really, and tsu is just perfect. I got on 'The Place' before tsu. That also has potential with a model like tsu.
For starters forget money or promised earning; who doesn't want real humans, in an internet where humans are no longer humans; are more automated. An inanimate internet changes them.
Who doesn't want real human interaction. Who doesn't like Fiverr for containing real humans?
I have a brand that intends to surpass google, yes I call it 'Surpassing Google'. It intends to make human intelligence beat Google's Artificial Intelligence. No doubt, i would require a team of interactive likeminded humans to vehicle this.
I tested tsu and it felt good. I didn't have the highest expectations but I felt good to have a backup at the very least away from Facebook; another place I can post. However, i starter to get beyond that. tsu makes itself killer good, as you can have your posts on tsu reposted on your Facebook and Twitter; more like an easy Hootsuite.
Now that's settled. Next the whole model of tsu organically makes it more humanly. You still feel the empathy in air. Interaction is present as it is invitation based and there is a tendency, that you will choose who you invite in alignment with your goals, thus, you will certainly want people who are like-minded to join your family.
Moreover, people on tsu, are weary on what to post from the onset, so that they don't defile terms on tsu. Too, posts are maintained as original and ofcourse, promoting original content brings you into promoting your brand and gradually builds your empire.
Now, who doesn't want followers. Ofcourse, I do. More than anything else, it will inspire me to keep carrying the two dreams that are mine to bear; my dad's and mine, without hurling them down the cliff and rebooting.
At the end of the day, I am your boy terry and in every line I write, there is lesson; pictures crafted from my beautiful mind's eye; a large vision and two dreams, mine and my dad's which I carry. Thus, do share me home and abroad, offline and online. No qualms, I will still remain intact and your boy terry
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